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摇滚黑帮 I'm a man

I'm a man制作人是 Dan The Automator,他是Handsome Boy Modeling School, Deltron 3030, the Gorillaz的幕后首脑,这首Trip Hop的主题是关于性爱和欲望,是该专辑的代表作。实验音乐鬼才Funk Metal乐队Faith No More前主唱Mike Patton的拔刀相助更增添娱乐性与趣味性。其他出演的艺人还有Jennifer Charles (Elysian Fields). Afrikka Bambaata, Charmelle Carmel (Maseo of De la Soul), Chest Rockwell (Prince Paul), Damien Thorn VII of Deltron fame (Damon Albarn of Blur), and minimalist DJ Kid Koala,都是大牌。

India. Arie ,原名Nathaniel Merriweather,又有艺名Dan the Automator,是一名以旧金山为基地的hip hop制作人,同时也是著名组合Gorillaz的成员。2001年11月,发表专辑Music to Make Love to Your Old Lady By时署名为Lovage,包括了歌手Mike Patton(前Faith No More成员)和Jennifer Charles(Elysian Fields女歌手),以及参与演奏和制作的Kid Koala、Damon Albarn(Blur成员)、Prince Paul等。


Dan, I need you now

Ok Mikey, come

Feel the fire

Feel my love inside you so bright

There's a sound and the smell of love on my mind

I'm a toy

Come and play with me, say work now

Wrap your legs

Around me ride me tonight

Sex, sex, sex

I'm a man

I'm a goddess

I'm a man

I'm a virgin

I'm a man

I'm a blue movie

I'm a man

I'm a *****

I'm a man

I'm a geisha

I'm a man

I'm a little girl

I'm a man

And we'll make love together

Why does man go to hooker

First of all because

He quite often is not all that happy and sexual satisfied at home

His wife won't perform all the activities he has in mind

And most of all, oral sex is a taboo

The woman would say 'what do you think I am, a whore

I don't want to do that

Slip and slide when you're where you like to feel the blood flow

Not to fast

Don't be slow my love's in your hands

I'm a man

I'm a boy

I'm a man

I'm you're mother

I'm a man

I'm a one night stand

I'm a man

I am a bi

I'm a man

I'm your slave

I'm a man

I'm a little girl

I'm a man

And we'll make love together

Most of them come to a hooker and say

My wife oh my wife is she dead in bed

She's frigid, cold as a starfish

They take off the pants

And their underpants

There's nothing more ridiculous than a guy with his party socks on

He dives into the bedroom i

He says "Do me!", suck it !

Skin to skin

Honey hold tight

Come inside it's a passion play just for you

Let's get lost in the magic place alone now

Drink your fill from a fountain of love wet your lips

I'm a man

I'm a teaser

I'm a man

I'm a virgin

I'm man

I'm a one night stand

I'm a man

I'm a drug

I'm a man

I'm your slave

I'm a man

I'm a dream to find

I'm a man

And we'll make love together

I'm a man

I'm a goddess

I'm a man

I'm a hooker

I'm a man

I'm a blue movie

I'm a man

I'm a slut

I'm a man LcCN!

Well i'm your babe

I'm a man

I'm a dream to find

I'm a man

And we'll make love together

We'll make love together

We'll make love together

We'll make love together

We'll make love together

Fuckin piece of shit

One little two little three little indians

Suck it firehose


他是资深的工业设计师,视觉设计师,啥都会:产品设计,网站设计,UI设计,画册设计等,也会很多个:3DMAX,C4D,AE,PS,CD,AI,PR, 英语口语还很牛,以前还做过外贸,懂SEO,懂促销推广....阅历很深。


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Dan, I need you now

Ok Mikey, come

Feel the fire

Feel my love inside you so bright

There's a sound and the smell of love on my mind

I'm a toy

Come and play with me, say work now

Wrap your legs

Around me ride me tonight

Sex, sex, sex

I'm a man

I'm a goddess

I'm a man

I'm a virgin

I'm a man

I'm a blue movie

I'm a man

I'm a *****

I'm a man

I'm a geisha

I'm a man

I'm a little girl

I'm a man

And we'll make love together

Why does man go to hooker

First of all because

He quite often is not all that happy and sexual satisfied at home

His wife won't perform all the activities he has in mind

And most of all, oral sex is a taboo

The woman would say 'what do you think I am, a whore

I don't want to do that

Slip and slide when you're where you like to feel the blood flow

Not to fast

Don't be slow my love's in your hands

I'm a man

I'm a boy

I'm a man

I'm you're mother

I'm a man

I'm a one night stand

I'm a man

I am a bi

I'm a man

I'm your slave

I'm a man

I'm a little girl

I'm a man

And we'll make love together

Most of them come to a hooker and say

My wife oh my wife is she dead in bed

She's frigid, cold as a starfish

They take off the pants

And their underpants

There's nothing more ridiculous than a guy with his party socks on

He dives into the bedroom i

He says "Do me!", suck it !

Skin to skin

Honey hold tight

Come inside it's a passion play just for you

Let's get lost in the magic place alone now

Drink your fill from a fountain of love wet your lips

I'm a man

I'm a teaser

I'm a man

I'm a virgin

I'm man

I'm a one night stand

I'm a man

I'm a drug

I'm a man

I'm your slave

I'm a man

I'm a dream to find

I'm a man

And we'll make love together

I'm a man

I'm a goddess

I'm a man

I'm a hooker

I'm a man

I'm a blue movie

I'm a man

I'm a slut

I'm a man LcCN!

Well i'm your babe

I'm a man

I'm a dream to find

I'm a man

And we'll make love together

We'll make love together

We'll make love together

We'll make love together

We'll make love together

Fuckin piece of shit

One little two little three little indians

Suck it firehose

专辑主题是关于性爱和欲望。制作人是 Dan The Automator,他是Handsome Boy Modeling School, Deltron 3030, the Gorillaz的幕后首脑, 这是一张好的Trip Hop专辑之一,尤其是实验音乐鬼才Funk Metal乐队Faith No More前主唱Mike Patton的拔刀相助更增添娱乐性与趣味性。其他出演的艺人还有Jennifer Charles (Elysian Fields). Afrikka Bambaata, Charmelle Carmel (Maseo of De la Soul), Chest Rockwell (Prince Paul), Damien Thorn VII of Deltron fame (Damon Albarn of Blur), and minimalist DJ Kid Koala,都是大牌。

India. Arie ,原名Nathaniel Merriweather,又有艺名Dan the Automator,是一名以旧金山为基地的hip hop制作人,同时也是著名组合Gorillaz的成员。2001年11月,发表专辑Music to Make Love to Your Old Lady By时署名为Lovage,包括了歌手Mike Patton(前Faith No More成员)和Jennifer Charles(Elysian Fields女歌手),以及参与演奏和制作的Kid Koala、Damon Albarn(Blur成员)、Prince Paul等。



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