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1、《she is my sin》

(夜愿)对cser们来说,night wish的歌曲早已深入人心,众所皆知,世上不少顶级战队的宣传片都采用的是他们的歌曲,night wish的歌曲大全是重金属音乐,而这首she is my sin就是1.6版cs的主题曲,很多翻译版本的1.6进入界面就会响起这首歌,当你在游戏前更改各种按键设置的时候,这首歌仿佛预示着大战马上爆。在she is my sin出名后,因为其震撼的歌声,变为许多视频或集锦的音乐。

2、《the dawn》

原意为黎明、拂晓、破晓,但在国内网络上,广被讹传为“亡灵序曲”。这是因为在2005年,国内一个电子游戏竞技网站中,一位《魔兽争霸3》亡灵族的拥趸,推荐这首曲子作为亡灵论坛专区的区歌;后来另一名网友以《the dawn》作为背景音乐,用《魔兽争霸3》中亡灵族的过场画面,剪辑制作了一部mv,并命名为《亡灵序曲》。至此,该曲的中文名就随着这部mv以讹传讹地流传开来,而真实名字却不被广为人知。


3、《the mass》

the mass改编自carmina burana(布兰诗歌),据说“二战期间德国武装党卫军第一装甲师军歌也改编于此”,导致调子相似而张冠李戴以为the mass就是纳粹军歌。 而现在,随着这首歌的名声日躁,越来越多的游戏也吸收了其动感,鼓舞人心的一面,其中当前最红网络游戏《魔兽世上》中很多玩家自制的游戏视频就很多使用了《the mass》作为背景音乐。

4、《hero"s theme》


5、《he"s a pirte》

黑珍珠pirates.of.the.caribbean-the.curse.of.the.black.pearl)是klaus badelt写的,相当于是确立了加勒比海盗主题音乐的人吧.集子里最后一首叫he"s a pirate,印象中就是jack最后跳下去之后的音乐,也是加勒比海盗的主题.

6、《conquest of paradise》(1492征服日堂)

《1492征服日堂》(英文全称:《1492 conquest of paradise 》)是一首世上名曲,本作品属于《1492 conquest of paradise 1492征服日堂/哥伦布传》专辑中的第二轨。每次听到它,都让我迷茫而感觉到本人是如此的微小,然而恢弘的音乐激发出内心的雄壮,我热血沸腾,我一往无前,古典的韵味在现代音乐的诠释下是如此的突显!这是激沸的音乐,这是振奋的音乐,这是人类对于音乐极限的挑战!该名曲也被作为中国电视剧《士兵突击》插曲。题曲《conquest of paradise 征服日堂》,这种史诗般的气派,完完全全是慑人的感觉,精彩绝伦。这部讲述哥伦布征服南美洲故事的电影也变为了史诗般的巨作!

7、《 rock house jail》


8、if I were a boy

9、《see you again》

是由美国说唱歌手维兹·卡利法和歌手查理·普斯共同演唱的一首歌曲,于2015年3月17日发行,收录在电影《速度与激情7》原声专辑,作为该电影的片尾曲和主题曲 。歌曲由dj frank e、查理·普斯、维兹·卡利法和安德鲁·希达尔等人共同创作完成。

《see you again》在英国、美国、澳大利亚、德国等二十多个国家的音乐排行榜上登顶 。在美国公告牌百强单曲榜上,歌曲共计夺得了十二周冠军 。2015年,歌曲获第58届格莱美奖“年度歌曲”、“最佳流行合作”和“最佳影视歌曲”奖项的提名 。2017年7月10日,歌曲视频凭借28.94亿的播放量超越psy的《江南style》,成为youtube观看次数最多的视频是 。

10、《as long as you love me 》

是加拿大男歌手贾斯汀·比伯演唱的一首流行歌曲,词曲由persson svensson创作,收录在贾斯汀·比伯第三张个人专辑 believe 中 。


1.Open Your Eyes——Brian Seo


Iron Wine

3.West Coast Friendship

4.u're my everything

5.The Saltwater room——Owl City

6.valder fields

tamas wells乐队的,来自墨尔本。

7.Till The End——Ola Svensson

Ola Svensson,2005瑞典偶像第八名,据说曾经是足球运动员,竟然在歌坛创出了一片天。Ola温柔深情的演唱也是专辑的'一大亮点

8.don not wory


9.if ever


1、Bubbly--Colbie Caillat(你听过一遍就会非常喜欢的歌);

2、Burning--Maria Arredondo;

3、Happy--丽安娜 刘易斯;

4、Cry On My Shoulder--出自德国选秀节目(很早的一首,非常好听);


6、The Climb--Miley Cyrus(个人最喜欢的歌手之一);

7、You Belong With Me--泰勒.斯威夫特(绝棒的);

8、I Stay In Love--玛利亚.凯莉;

9、I Didn't Know My Own Strength--Whitney Houston(是非常棒的一首慢歌,黑人歌手之一。);

10、A Little Bit Longer--Jonas Brothers(嗓音非常棒的组合,几乎每首都很好听,尤其是这首!强力推荐);

11、The Little Things--Colbie Caillat;


13、My All--玛丽亚.凯莉(据说非常适合作手机铃声的歌);

14、My Love--WestLife(西域成名金曲,经典老歌,诠释了所有经典的定义。);

15、Need You Now--Lady Antebellum(时下排行榜热门歌曲);

16、The Saltwater Room--Owl City(曲风相当特别);

17、Take A Bow--Rihanna(听2秒就会爱上的歌手和歌~);

18、The Technicolor Phase--Owl City(《爱丽丝梦游仙境》的主题曲之一);

19、This Is It--迈克尔.杰克逊(不知到底是翻唱还是遗作,都能再现天王的独特魅力);

20、Who Says--John Mayer(类似乡村风.以吉他为伴奏,这首非常棒!);

21、Just One Last Dance--Sarah Connor

22、Angle--Sarah Mclachlan(天籁之音~~);

23、Living To Love You--Sarah Connor(歌词催人泪下);

24、Nothings Gonna Change My Love For You--Glenn Mediros(被方大同翻唱过);

25、I Look To You--Whitney Houston;

26、I Got You--丽安娜.刘易斯;

27、Love To Be Loved By You--马克.特伦茨(歌词和曲调非常感人!);

28、Butterfly Fly Away--Miley Cyrus(《乖乖女是大明星》的插曲,讲的父亲对女儿的爱的故事,曲风清新);


30、Wonderful Tonight--Baby Face(也是被方大同翻唱的歌);

31、Still Crazy In Love--Sarah Connor;

32、We Can Work It Out --Sweetbox;

33、Sexy Love--Ne Yo;

34、Happily Never After--Pussycat Dolls;

35、A Fine Frenzy--Almost Lover(后面的才是歌名,曲调有点小特别~);

36、Craigie hill----Cara Dillon(首推这首,温馨极了,好听极了。有点像m2m的声音。) ;

37、Down by the Sally Gardens(歌手不明,但是爱尔兰的风笛爆好听娓娓的旋律,背景音乐也很好听) ;

38、Beautiful Boy--Celine Dion(歌手不用介绍.....);音乐知识

39、A Place Nearby与Unforgivable Sinner--Lene Marlin(挪威创作才女,) ;

40、Scarborough Fair(毕业生):(《Scarborough Fair》是美国六十年代最受大学生欢迎的电影、1968年奥斯卡获奖片《毕业生》(达斯汀·霍夫曼主演,其成名作)中的主题曲。本人还是喜欢布莱曼她唱的。 );

41、classicriver:( 很多人都听过的旋律.这样的经典歌曲是无价之宝.相信当你知道这歌曲之后,如果突然失去它,你会觉得好孤独,无助... 这样的音乐是无价之宝~);

42、If I Were A Boy--Beyonce(可以做铃声!开头就已经把气氛带起来了~);

43、Love You Lately--Daniel Powter;

44、I Hate Love--Claude Kelly;


46、Better In Time--Leona Lewis;

47、Crush--David Archuleta;

48、You Raise Me Up--Westlife;

49、Realize--Colbie Caillat(科比.凯拉,几乎她的每一首歌都是那么的特别和好听。非常喜欢的歌手之一);

50、I See You--Leona Lewis(就是《阿凡达》的主题曲,看过电影再听这个歌,我们能听到的,就不止是幻想与憧憬了,还有爱和感动..);

51、Day Too Soon--Sia(也是个所有歌几乎都不错的歌手。);

52、Doesn't Mean Anything--Alicia Keys(个人钟爱的一首歌!非常非常好听!);

53、It's Amazing--Jem(节奏非常好!,不会后悔的歌哦~);

54、Lovebug--Jonas Brothers(高潮非常明快,清新,非常舒服的一首小情歌~喜欢啊~);

55、When You're Mad--Ne-Yo(尼欧的歌总是那么那么好听,不管是RAP风还是RB,都非常棒!);

56、One Fine Wire--Colbie Caillat(高潮曲调的设计有点小俏皮。);

57、Vidas Paralelas--Ximena Sarinana(一首法语歌,节奏明快。个人觉得偶尔听听法语歌也是满有趣的。

58、Wait Til You Here From You--Sarah Connor(开头的独白,那种声音令人放松,接着的曲调非常的好听!推荐!);

59、Sitting Down Here--琳恩玛莲(开头就足以让你喜欢的调调~高潮适合作铃声。);

60、A Place Nearby--琳恩玛莲(全曲以纯明的钢琴和鼓点贯穿。曲调单纯,听了叫人放松。);

61、When You Believe--Mariah CareyWhitney Houston(两个天后的合音,完美中的完美啊!巨好听!);

62、Dilemma--Kelly Rowland(非常非常好听!高潮部分非常非常适合做铃声!女生手机必备!);

63、No Air--约尔丁斯巴克斯(开头足以定风格,可以作铃声);

64、The Best Day--Taylar Swift;

65、Viva La Vida--Coldplay;

66、Wait For You--Elliott Yamin(非常非常非常好听的!曾经就听过,昨天才终于被我找到~);

67、Time For Miracles--Harald Kloser;

68、When I'm With You--西城男孩(又一首经典旧歌。真的是);

69、A Todo Color--魏如萱(西班牙语,有点甜美的意味。);

70、I Ain't Tryin'--KeAnthong;


72、Little Bit Better--玛丽亚.亚瑞唐多(听这首歌的开头,这歌怎么这么好听啊);

73、Trip Around The World--Alexz Johnson(可作铃声,女生版清新说唱风,带给你不一样的感觉。);

74、Gonna Get It--Alexz Johnson(开头的尖叫够震撼,够特别,可作铃声);

75、Can Anybody Hear Me--Meredith Andrews(嗓音听起来很舒服,比较喜欢高潮以外的部分。);

76、Eh Eh(Nothing Eale I Can Say--Lady GaGa(GaGa的新歌,开头很特别,可作铃声。感觉风格有点像玛利亚.凯莉~);

77、Before The Down--Jennifer Rush(有点怀旧的感觉。);音乐知识

78、As Long As It Takes--Meredith Andrews(很纯的嗓音);

79、Stupid In Love--Rihanna(开头的鼓点不错,R的嗓音特别吸引人,但个人还是更喜欢她的快歌);

80、Give You Hell--The All-American Rejects(可爱的背景音乐,很欢快的节奏,不过歌手是男的哟~);

81、Welcome To My Life--Simple Plan(这首要个人慢慢去体味,可能第一遍会觉得一般般,但其实后来会觉得蛮有味道的。)

谁有brian seo的《open your eyes》的歌词啊?发我 429371536@qq.com

brian seo--open your eyes中文歌词是什么 悬赏分:5 | 解决时间:2010-1-19 18:41 | 提问者:恋小乌

Open Your Eyes ---- Brian Seo

just open your eyes

Baby there's something lately between you and me something I want you to see

I wanna do things differently don't wanna walk the same street

Breaking up in the making

(I know I gotta take a chance avoiding ma past mistakes do whatever it takes)

So much pressure on me

(Baby can we take our time I'm not trying to run and hide)

I just wanna love you right

Baby don't cry you know that I'm by your side

We're doing just fine I keep your heart next to mine

It's all right I'm here to stay by your side

I need some time you ask for a reason why

Cause I'm gonna shine you into the light just open your eyes

just open your eyes

Sorry that I got you confused didn't wanna break it to you

It really wasn't easy to do (No)

Do you know how much I love you Damned if I lose you really wouldn't know what to do (No!)

(I know I gotta take a chance avoiding ma past mistakes do whatever it takes)

So much pressure on me!

(Baby can we take our time I'm not trying to run and hide)

I just wanna love you right oooh

Baby don't cry you know that I'm by your side

We're doing just fine I keep your heart next to mine

It's all right I'm here to stay by your side

I need some time you ask for a reason why

Cause I'm gonna shine you into the light just open your eyes

No matter how long it seems appreciate you waiting here for me

Can't see you walk away and leave it's plain to see you're all I need baby it's all right

I'm asking please

Baby don't cry you know that I'm by your side

We're doing just fine I keep your heart next to mine

It's all right I'm here to stay by your side

I need some time you ask for a reason why

Baby don't cry you know that I'm by your side

We're doing just fine I keep your heart next to mine

It's all right I'm here to stay by your side

I need some time you ask for a reason why

Cause I'm gonna shine you into the light just open your eyes

Cause I'm gonna shine you into the light just open your eyes

最佳答案 Baby there's something lately, between you and me, something I want you to see 亲爱的,有些话来不及想对你说,你和我...

I wanna do things differently, don't wanna walk the same street 我想有所表示,不再裹足不前

Breaking up in the making 胆怯在一点点的消失

(I know I gotta take a chance, avoiding ma past mistakes, do whatever it takes)我要把握这一次机会,无论做什么 小心翼翼地避免任何错失

So much pressure on me 这一切让我感到很压抑

(Baby can we take our time, I'm not trying to run and hide)亲爱的,可以给我们彼此一点点时间吗?我不再逃避甚至再隐藏些什么了

I just wanna love you right...我只想真正地去爱你


Baby don't cry, you know that I'm by your side 亲爱的,不要哭泣,你知道我会陪伴你

We're doing just fine, I keep your heart next to mine 我们就这样顺其自然吧,我要永远都是驻在你心窝里的那一个

It's all right, I'm here to stay by your side 就这样说好吧,我还是在原地陪着你

I need some time, you ask for a reason why? 我还需要一点时间,你说为什么?

Cause I'm gonna shine, you into the light, just open your eyes 我要为你闪耀,让你藏在我的光圈里,请睁开你的眼眸

Verse 2:

Sorry that I got you confused, didn't wanna break it to you 很抱歉是我让你感到困惑了,不应该打破你平静的心

It really wasn't easy to do (No) 但这一切真的很难压抑

Do you know how much I love you? Damned if I lose you, really wouldn't know what to do....(No!)你知道我有多爱你吗?如果被诅咒失去你,那我的世界亦随之瘫痪。

(I know I gotta take a chance, avoiding ma past mistakes, do whatever it takes)我要把握这一次机会,做什么都总那么小心翼翼地避免任何错失

So much pressure on me!那感觉让我很压抑

(Baby can we take our time, I'm not trying to run and hide)我们可以

I just wanna love you right oooh...我想真正地去爱你



No matter how long it seems, appreciate you waiting here for me无论距离怎样地遥远,仍很感动你依然在原地等我

Can't see you walk away and leave, it's plain to see, you're all I need...无法眼睁睁看着你转身离开,一切都是很明了的,你的一切只专属我。

I'm asking please....我想问可以吗?

brian seo的tell me how 的歌词

Seasons change

I'm almost there

The past is slipping away

But I feel your presence still here (no no)

It wasn't easy to do

I made my peace with you

But I must say

That I'm still missing you


Tell me how do I set you free?

With all the memories

Of loving you so genuinely

Moving on, there's nothing much to say

I guess there's no mistake

That we've gone our separate ways

Verse Two

I'm pacing left and pacing right

I'm staring at my cellphone

I wanna give you a call

But I'm shaking with fright

Wondering if you're all right

Tell me girl, am I still on your mind?


Tell me how do I set you free?

With all the memories

Of loving you so genuinely

Moving on, there's nothing much to say

I guess there's no mistake

That we've gone our separate ways


Tell me how do I move on without you baby?

After all the things that you and I've been through

Tell me how do I move on without you baby?

I know, we're so gone, I'll miss you. Tell me please!


Brian Seo -before the day vanish 这首歌的歌词


Brian Seo - Before The Day Vanish

Verse 1:

It’s never cool when you’ve been pushed down, when you know that you’re number one (It’s gotta grip that’s so strong, got you wondering what went wrong) And my worth is not determined by somebody. You’re second to none don’t you forget. My wings will guide you, I’ll go out of my way. I’ll travel at the speed of light just to take you away, so don’t be afraid, so…


Before the day vanishes into the air, I want you to know (I’m praying for you) you’re fighting a battle that you don’t understand, but you never surrender. Falling from grace, I’ll catch you you’ll be safe, into my arms of embrace (I got my eyes on you, I know you’ll make it through) Gotta find that special place where you gonna replenish your strength (I got my eyes on you, I know you’ll make it through)

Verse 2:

Without passion without dreams, there’s no air to breathe. (It’s suffocating, devastating) Who the am I talking to, I think I’m talking to me. You’re second to none don’t you forget, my wings will guide you I’ll go out of my way. And you’re not alone, gonna take you away so don’t be afraid, so…


Before the day vanishes into the air, I want you to know (I’m praying for you) you’re fighting a battle that you don’t understand, but you never surrender. Falling from grace, I’ll catch you you’ll be safe, into my arms of embrace (I got my eyes on you, I know you’ll make it through) Gotta find that special place where you gonna replenish your strength (I got my eyes on you, I know you’ll make it through)


And I know that there’s pain that’s been pierced through my heart, but there’s many reasons to move on. There’s so many people that’s counting on me and I know that God’s watching me. And for being optimistic and listening to my music, how do I repay you. Wanna share you my hear

heart, that reaches so far, all you gotta do is open yours.


Before the day vanishes into the air, I want you to know (I’m praying for you) you’re fighting a battle that you don’t understand, but you never surrender. Falling from grace, I’ll catch you you’ll be safe into my arms of embrace (I got my eyes on you, I know you’ll make it through) Gotta find that special place where you gonna replenish your strength (I got my eyes on you, I know you’ll make it through)


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